

Overall construction activity

In 2019, Romania’s GDP increased by 4.1% compared to 2018. In 2019, construction represented 6.4% of the country’s GDP (5.5% in 2018). Total net investments amounted to €21,943 million, an increase of 17.9% compared to 2018. Net investments in new construction works amounted to €10,984 million, which is 32.5% higher than in the previous year and represents 51.1% of the total investments compared to 43.4% in 2018. For the period Q1 to Q3 2019, the volume of construction works increased by 27.6% with new constructions rising by 24.3%, maintenance and repair works by 33.9% and civil engineering by 3.7%. With the increase in the volume of activity in the construction sector, the average number of employees rose by 2%. The sector employed 394,000 people in 2019 compared to 385,000 in 2018. The average gross income in 2019 increased by 19% to €840 compared to €717 in 2018. This is the result of the measures adopted by the Romanian Government to support the construction sector. The construction sector continues to be affected by an acute shortage of both skilled and unskilled labour. To alleviate this action has been taken to recruit the workforce from Asia. In 2019, the costs of construction in general increased by 103.8% compared to 2018. By structural elements and types of construction: - material costs 102.9% - new construction 104.1% - residential building 103.6% - non-residential building 103.3% - civil engineering 104.6%


For the period Q1 to Q3 2019, the volume of works in this segment increased by 28.5% compared to the same period in 2018. Compared to November 2018, the volume grew by 6.8% in November 2019. The number of building permits was 42,541 compared to 42,694 in 2018. In 2019, 67,512 houses (+7,799) were completed compared to 2018 with 61% being completed in urban areas and 39.9% rural areas. Investment in this segment is mostly private with a share of 96.5% for private funds and 3.5% for public funds.

GDP 2019




Total investment in construction in 2019


Non-residential construction

The volume of non-residential works registered an increase of 16% for the period Q1 to Q3 2019 compared to the same period in 2018. In November 2019, compared to November 2018, the increase was 87.4%. In 2019, 296 building permits were issued for administrative buildings (255 in 2018) and 7,659 for other buildings (7,170 in 2018). The total of permits issued in 2019 for residential and non-residential buildings amounts to 50,496 (50,119 in 2018).

Civil engineering

For the period Q1 to Q3 2019, the volume of civil engineering works rose by 17.5% compared to the same period in 2018. In November 2019, compared to November 2018, the growth rate was 3.7%. The number of projects, but also their value and complexity increased. 

Completed works:

  • The road bridge for the Tarnaveni municpality using the BIM standard and thus being the first work of its kind in Romania
  • Lugoj – Deva highway - 2 lots

New contracts were signed:

  • Construction of the bridge over the Danube in Braila
  • Works on the Craiova - Pitesti Expressway– 2 lots
  • Works on the Pitesti - Sibiu Highway – 1 lot
  • Works on the South Belt Bucharest – 3 lots

In the field of environmental infrastructure, the integrated waste management system for the Valcea county was finalised.

Number of building permits in residential construction
  2016 2017 2018 2019a 2020b
single dwelling 38,653 41,612 42,694 42,541 NA
collective dwelling 73 195 147 156 NA
other types of dwelling NA NA NA NA NA
Total 38,726 41,807 42,841 42,697 NA
(Collective dwellings and other types of buildings: in number of flats)